Launch Your Mold Design

[special_sub_title title_content= “ORDER STEEL SOONER, WITH FASTER PRELIMINARY DESIGNS” font_size= ‘{“d”:”18″}’ title_color= “rgba(255,255,255,1)” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= ‘{“d”:10}’ hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” key= “fqox7eq7fk4dwsy7”][/special_sub_title]
  • Just add part data for instant, automated, custom mold designs for quoting a new build, or ordering steel. You’re not restricted by process with XMD, model parting lines now or later, your choice.
  • Full catalog of all standard mold base and M.U.D. suppliers used globally. Switch between them easily to review the part layout in different sized bases.
  • Expert automation built in with our proprietary technologies for a custom XMB (Expert Mold Base), XPM (Expert Part Manager), XPB (Expert Press Builder), XHR (Expert Hot Runner), Xcomps (Expert Components), and more being developed every day.

Out-Of-The-Box Instant Performance

[special_sub_title title_content= “XMD INSTALL’S FULLY CONFIGURED WITH NO SETUP REQUIRED” font_size= ‘{“d”:”18″}’ title_color= “rgba(255,255,255,1)” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= ‘{“d”:10}’ hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” key= “u9cUfdO2ZF”][/special_sub_title]
  • Immediately create custom mold designs with our 100’s of thousands of installed Components, organized logically, making them easy to add and modify.
  • Use the same setup and tools that has made our mold designers & manufacturing team successful, or easily alter where needed for your own custom application and preference.
  • XMD has a completely automated Bill Of Material list function, with no user interaction required. You can also link directly to your purchasing or management systems for increased seamless automation.
  • 3D & 2D drawings are completely linked, live and fully automated at all times, with no user setup. Unique to XMD, add to or modify designs in 2D drawings or 3D model on the fly, we are fully hybrid.
  • We remain relentless and unforgiving in maximizing efficiency in everything we create for you and all our users.

The Power of Point & Shoot

[special_sub_title title_content= “NO TIME WASTED WITH XMD AUTOMATED TASKS” font_size= ‘{“d”:”18″}’ title_color= “rgba(255,255,255,1)” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= ‘{“d”:10}’ hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” key= “rXpLdJ16SJ”][/special_sub_title]
  • A single mouse click in XMD, replaces the dozens of clicks and wasted time in other product’s.
  • Those in search of the best mold design software soon realize that XMD’s automated Smart Water, Ejector Pin placement, and many more, will always be unmatched.
  • Secondary tasks are eliminated in XMD. While other products require the user to select a component length when adding, or define a trim sheet and tell a pin when to trim, create mold base “templates”, etc, XMD’s intelligent automation is fully integrated to do all this and so much more for you, letting the designer focus on the important stuff, engineering the best mold.

Start Cutting Sooner

[special_sub_title title_content= “DESIGN FASTER FOR MORE TIME TO BUILD & SHORTER LEAD TIMES” font_size= ‘{“d”:”18″}’ title_color= “rgba(255,255,255,1)” title_alignment= “left” max_width= “100” margin_bottom= ‘{“d”:10}’ hide_in= “” css_id= “” css_classes= “” animate= “1” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” animation_duration= “300” padding= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_style= ‘{“d”:”solid”,”l”:”solid”,”t”:”solid”,”m”:”solid”}’ border= ‘{“d”:””}’ border_color= “” border_radius= “” box_shadow= “0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0)” key= “A7iw5-5pPp”][/special_sub_title]
  • We are Mold Makers. We know all the tools you need, like integrated EJ Pin charts with location and exact length to cut off to, adjusted to real world QC’d plate thicknesses. Also, using our proprietary automatic Position Avoidance Detection, it includes automatic pin labelling on plate surface for CNC cutting. We work to save designers and mold makers time on every build.
  • Quality control interference checking system is configurable and ensures no drilling or clearance errors in design, saving costly rework. Save off standard tolerances for all designers to check every design automatically.
  • With XMD you have access to unlimited design viewer seats for manufacturing, program management, etc. All team members can review designs thoroughly on their own time.
  • Fully manage and automate file release with Export to Manufacturing directly to your CNC machining folder. Release as EB & Square Up, Roughing, Finishing, 2D Drilling, Gundrilling, all with or without your selected holes extracted. The shop can only machine what is released. Consistency and quality assured for all manufacturing files, from every designer automatically, while reducing hours of sifting through assemblies that add up from both CAD and CAM operators.
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